so i watched the hearings on the firing of the attorneys...the conditions at walter reed...
outing plame. i watched every movie on the internet and every panel, citizens grand jury, hell you name it, about 911, JFK, Paul Wellstone, and Marvin Bush's maid? was it...the CIA's history of dirty tricks and political assassinations and drug and arms running businesses, about halliburton KBR the Carlyle Group and SAIC. Depleted uranium, extraordinary renditions, torture, patsies, fall guys, global warming, first responders and cadaver sniffing dogs dying, dying, and being denied help or even acknowledgment of why they are dying. Shinseki Sibol Edmonds Bunnie whats-her-name, you know, the parade of people who have spoken the truth and been punished as opposed to the liars and the murderers who get obscenely rich famous on fox and promotions and/or medals. i read and studied and noted the connections of the dots: not to where i KNOW just what goes on, but certainly to where i do know that what goes on is as foul as has ever gone on. EVER.
outing plame was a crime committed by the bush administration. it was satisfying to see it being discussed almost openly, and i can only imagine Valerie Plame's sense of vindication as she swore to the facts as she has lived them. i canNOT imagine how much more evidence would be required for congress to institute impeachment and criminal proceedings against the administration, but it does not seem to be happening. rove still has his security clearance; cheney can classify or declassify as he sees politically expedient; the hearings go on and on, and so does the war, taking more humans with it daily: humans who should not be dead. the rants just get so goddammed long you know: and i almost forgot about the gutting of the constitution, children in concentration camps in Texas, and spying on american citizens, on american soil.
plame was outed so the bushies could carry out the big crime: war. war, war, and more war. War is murder by proxy. and with all that is coming to light regarding the corporations profiteering off the war (getting so rich and being so greedy it seems obvious that if this administration is not banished, dismantled, brought to justice with full disclosure of all their wrongdoings, we will be a nation run by a corporate fascist dictatorship embroiled in perpetual war that diminishes human beings to nothing more than cogs for the comfort and perpetuation of this tiny slimy percentage of the population), why should anybody be surprised or keep advancing the fiction that her outing was anything but the dirty tricks of an administration who just does not give a flying fuck about who gets thrown under the bus as long as they collect their cut and maintain their corrupt nearly absolute power? and that this crime was committed by the holders of the highest office in the land?
the right wing whores frustrate the crap out of me with their refusal to answer a question directly. they have gotten away with deflection, obfuscation of the facts, sidestepping reality, and just so many outrageous acts i just hunch over my computer spitting sometimes. the way they've covered almost all the bases: installed whores in the judiciary, put inept brainwashed "loyalists" in positions of real power where real harm is done due to ignorance and hubris, the way they lie and lie and lie and get away with it, the contempt they display toward other people and the citizens of their own country.
i am 100% convinced that 911 was false flag terrorism: the government - meaning the neocons, the bushies, the rich greedy white men and their incestuous business/public/private relationships, murdered 3000 people right here in the US in one day, and countless more since then - meaning the first responders who are sick and dying now because of the toxicity they worked in for so long after the WTC was demolished, the innocents of other nations having come under attack at the hands of the US military (using their own acts of terrorism to wage war wherever they deem it profitable), more, and more. they have militarized police departments, again using the crime of 911 for passing the "Patriot" Act (another thing i find maddening about these bastards is how completely opposite everything is since gw strongarmed the WH - "Patriot" Act when its intent and result is to strip the rights of the people while systematically legalizing the usurpation of all powers to those whose only allegiance is to their insatiable pathological greed for wealth, power, and dead bodies).
so nowadays the more incompetent you are the greater rewards you can anticipate. greatest intelligence capabilities and networks in the world - didn't know?! best air defenses in the history of humanity - couldn't scramble in time?! they literally in front of a hapless world stood up took over and suddenly bad is good dark is light impossible is fact idiocy is brilliance and murder is protection of the country. the dots connect and overlap and all that is transparent is that our democracy is going away, and still these bastards have yet to be made to answer for even charge number ONE.
i am a single mother eking out a living in CA. i knew before gw ever was president that if he did become president he would throw a war. is it really possible that knowledgeable engaged active people (for instance members of congress) didn't? I knew there were no fucking
WMDs in Iraq! how can it be that any of our lawmakers didn't? and yet to this fucking day i'll read that gw was a true believer - bullshit. if ever there was a human less human than our current president and vice president i don't know who it could be.
it took me years to come around to my current belief (MIHOP) regarding 911 - but i knew the day it happened that they KNEW it was coming could members of congress and so many people who are otherwise not actually moronic, NOT know that?! How could anybody observe an administration, during whose watch the most horrific terrorist attack in this country's history occurred, doing anything and everything possible to obstruct all attempts to investigate that attack and still believe that administration was blameless?!
i always think about gw's comment to tom brown while new orleans drowned: "you're doing a great job brownie." i understood then that gw was actually telling the truth when he said that - how did this nation witness that genocidal travesty and not figure out that the bush administration was utterly opposed to helping the poor people of new orleans? just as now - with the death toll rising by leaps and bounds, daily - with anyone with any kind of brain including their own military leaders even his daddy's old buddy baker advising an end to the war - they just spew lies and ignore the will of the people with total hubris, total contempt.
so while the new democratically controlled congress holds hearings that probably 90% of the country will never even know about let alone give a shit, the bushies just keep on stealing every cent they can with absolutely no thought for the unnecessary suffering and wrongful deaths incurred along the way, lying constantly, and ignoring whatever threatens to take them off their game.
i think it's time to get their attention for real now. but i'll be god dammed if i can think of what they'd have to do to get congress to agree with me, or to get enough people to pay attention so that the people could MAKE congress agree with me.