that the Media we watch and read on a daily basis favors a rightward slant.
There are many reasons and they are the same for "When have you seen a real liberal on MSM-TV. Occasionally you will see Senator Kennedy.
Corporations (Is it only 6 or maybe 8 at the most) control all aspects of Media. Their interest is the Investor Class and making money for Investors. Republicans and Conservatives are the Pro Business, Corporate Party. It is their very ideology. Liberty to them means the ability to make and spend your own money with no obligation to others,or the government. This serves Corporations perfectly. It is in their interest to have news slanted to the Right. Those people on the left would seriously interfere with this thinking. No discussion of "common good" poverty or anything that smacks of "populism". Any news organization will keep these thoughts in mind as they schedule guests or have ideas submitted from the left.0If they wish to remain employed.) Go back to the beginning of the war and consider how Bush ADM endeavored to get all the businesses involved in approving the war. Jack Welsh was all over TV singing the praises of Bush and his Adm and how we must fight the war. GE did get an 8 billion dollar Christmas Gift from Congress in one fell swoop.(Taxcuts, Subsidies you name it) This shows, I hope, what a mountain an idea from the left has to surmount.
In our own party , this is no way meant to flame-- It is part of the explanation--we have a wing that is also very very pro-business. I believe in Capitalism but I believe in giving Business serious consideration and fairness. This is different from always voting in such a way that Business Interests always win over the average citizen. If you notice 90% of the time, guests on TV (where America gets most of it news) you will have a DLC Democrat. Sometimes Democrats cut their noses off to spite their face. I have heard it said if a Centrist DlCer is not available, no one is sent. Sounds reasonable, I am repeating a comment heard on TV. If our own party is so "scared of something a Liberal might say, how can anyone else hope to get on TV.