Dont underestimate Romney. He has more money than God. He has the support of Anne Coulter - and you have to know that she represents a rabid wing of the Republican party. He got the support of the Conservative Conference a couple weeks ago. Now he has the backing of Bob Perry. I have said this for a while. Romney is the stealth candidate that the Republican insiders are counting on. He is enough of a pretty face and a blank slate for the Republicans to sell him as a moderate.
"Swift Boat group's backer joins Romney campaign
By Washington Post | March 18, 2007
WASHINGTON -- The primary donor of an independent group that raised questions about Senator John F. Kerry during the 2004 presidential election has signed on to raise money for former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney's GOP presidential campaign.
Bob Perry, a Houston home builder, is named as a member of Romney's Texas Leadership Team in an invitation for a fund-raising event in Dallas on March 26.
Perry has earned a reputation for his willingness to finance the political activities of "527 groups," nonprofit organizations named after the federal tax code that applies to them. He gained notoriety for the $4.5 million he donated to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group of Vietnam War veterans who questioned Kerry's military credentials.