--- And it does now certainly appear that he may be "going." But however one wishes to characterize his part in the neocon purge of US attornies,... whether as poor judgement, bungling or outright malfeasance, the issue necessarily attaches more pointedly to those above him, than to Gonzales, himself. After all, he was only following orders,.... orders from the same "boss" for whom he has worked for twelve years.
--- The real crime at hand is the cronyist subjugation of the Judiciary to partisan neocon ideologues, and this is only about the third or fourth major incidence of a very small and secretive neocon cabal attempting to literally "take over" the US government. And that's not counting election irregularities.
--- How many former ENRON operatives ended up in the Bush administration? Eight? How many PNAC'ers? Over a dozen? Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court? Oh, please. It doesn't take a Columbo to see the pattern, here.
--- Gonzales was appointed SPECIFICALLY because he would ignore the Constitution and do what Bush told him to do. Problem is, BOTH their jobs are to uphold the Constitution. Gonzales was a mere accomplice in what remains only an attempted coup of legal US government.
--- He should be treated as any other criminal accomplice,... namely by being given the opportunity to roll over on his superiors. Make him an offer he can't refuse. Permitting him to be "fired" and walk away would be a greater crime than any of the shit he pulled while squatting in his office.