Gen. Pace is a Bush Boy and there is a no doubt that his statements are carefully planned to align the republican party and paint any of their detractors of this war into the same old game they’ve tried in the past. Schwarzenegger’s, “Girly Men”, Ann Coulters, “Faggot” statement, and now a General going out of his way to sermonize about gay morality (is he being paid to preach or win a war?) while simultaneously throwing in jabs at the democrat's plan to wind down this war. Add a homophopic conservative like Sen. Brownback to the chior and you've got your poison symphony. Do you see a pattern here?? Nevermind, that they are insulting tens of thousands of our soldiers that are gay and have been fighting in Iraq, with these reckless comments. How would you like to be a soldier in the theater of war serving under a commander that calls you, "immoral"? How does that help with the cohesion of troops? Especially, when there are so many easily triggered biggots in that environment just waiting for an excuse to attack you.
Do the Republicans care? Probably not because they can pander politically to the right, pair democrats with gays, and sully the whole mess into a nice stew of “cut and run pansies”. Want to know what next year will look like? Look no further.
Never mind, that these Bush “tough boys”; have failed miserably at leading the fight in Iraq, have lied to our nation repeatedly, undercut constitutional bedrock principles of our country, fed hundreds of billions of our badly needed tax money into a waste of corruption and deceptive practices benefiting their best friends, allowed our troops to suffer tens of thousands -possibly hundreds of thousands- of injuries while sustaining thousands of deaths, and have taken our once great American legal system hostage to their own miserable and now well know illegal power grab.
Can we speak of morality for a minute? Killing tens of thousands of innocent little babies, children, mothers and wiping out entire families with our indiscriminate bombing of a nation, based on a fabricated lie, is immoral. Immoral, is when a group of our soldiers coordinate and plan the rape of a 14 year old girl then wipe out the entire family, kill the girl afterwards, and our military tries to cover it up. Immoral is cutting off the funds to our country’s best military hospital, during a war, and then privatizing it to outsource 100’s of millions of dollars in contracts so your buddies can milk it for what’s left while you let our prized wounded soldiers suffer like they are prisoners at an enemy camp. But we've heard little or nothing from Pace about those things. General Pace is the same guy that claims, "we don't keep count of civilian casualities we may cause". It's clear, he has a thwarted sense of morality. Who is he to judge anyone?
Talking to us, Gen. Pace, about morality? Here is some advice. Why don’t you get your ass out of the media green rooms and back to the green zone and win or shut down this war!? When you made these "personal" comments, you were on our time, being paid by tax payers, and we don’t pay you to preach