In The Dock
by Mike Whitney | Mar 20 2007 -
Democratic leaders have consistently shown that they are no match for their Republican counterparts. Whenever an opportunity presents itself to swoop down for the kill; congressional Democrats start preening for the cameras or bloviating on the floor of the House.
That's not how you get things done in Washington.
If the Democrats are serious about ruling, they ought to bring a sledgehammer to work and start pounding away at the obstacles.The firing of the "Gonzales 8" is a perfect opportunity to zero-in on the Justice Department and start tossing bodies on the burn pile. But it'll take someone with enough brains to figure out what's really going on and big enough cahones to go for the jugular. That's how a predator brings down the live-game and that's what it'll take to rout the mob bosses at the D.O.J. Anyone who gets squeamish over a little political blood-letting should probably get a job in retail--not government.
Gonzales is already on his last legs. He signed his own death warrant by his ham-fisted treatment of the US Attorneys. The firings have turned out to be big trouble for Team Bush. Gonzales has hung a giant Bull's Eye on the administration's back and then pushed them in front of the firing squad.All the Democrats have to do is take aim and blast away.
But are they up to it?