"The next generation of Republicans will spend their political careers promising not to make the draconian mistakes that George W. Bush and his Republican supporters in Congress are still escalating in a war that should not have been fought.
George W. Bush is the first commander in chief in history to host a National Political Convention that handed out toys to make fun of the Purple Heart, to demean the leader of the opposition, who was awarded bronze and silver stars for valor.
Even when Ann Coulter demeaned widows of 9/11, calling them harpies, the man who used 9/11 for partisan politics lacked the honor and chivalry to defend them, and his partisans in Congress, as usual, remained silent.
George W. Bush is the first commander in chief in history to try to create fear in the land, rather than bravery, at a time of war. He is the first commander in chief in history to demonstrate such long-term disrespect for the military advice of commanders, while publicly claiming to give them total support."