Patrick Leahy (Chairman, Vermont), Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts), Joseph Biden (Delaware), Herb Kohl (Wisconsin). Dianne Feinstein (California), Russ Feingold (Wisconsin), Chuck Schumer (New York), Richard Durbin (Illinois), Benjamin Cardin (Maryland), and Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island),
I am writing to tell you this: nail them to the wall.
All of them. Gonzales, Rove, Miers, Addington, et. al.
This current batch of neoconservatives are authoritarians, perhaps even some sort of proto-neo-fascists. They are either at your throat or at your feet. With this breed, you can't be nice and civil. It doesn't work. To these people, niceness and mercy are not strengths, they are weaknesses to exploit.
It is critially important for the future of our country that this über-partisanness fade into a more civil discourse, and it cannot be done with these theiving people in charge and unaccountable as they steal elections, destroy our Constitutional rights, and render government ineffective while robbing the Treasury.
So put some steel in your spines, some brass in your balls, and get them! Get them!
The American people want this, are calling for it, and will support you!
Very very sincerely,