I think Al Gore is keeping his options open right now, watching how the "pre-season" goes. I don't think he yet knows what he will do. My guess is that the chance of him entering the race is somewhere between 20% and 35%.
Gore's current line - "I have no plans to be a candidate" - tells us that right now (today) he has no plans to run. But it doesn't prevent him from changing his plans and making new plans during the coming months.
Gore is doing a great job raising public awareness about the climate crisis. Winning an Oscar means that even more people will hopefully see
An Inconvenient Truth. He put in a great performance at the Congressional Hearing on March 21st.
Gore is also getting ready to bring out his next book
The Assault on Reason - to be published in May. The theme of this book - why we need better decision-making in government - is very timely (whether he runs or not).
Gore is also leading
Live Earth with concerts in 7 cities across the globe on 7/7/07 -- all with the aim of raising awareness and pushing for action to address the climate crisis.
Depending on how things pan out, and the reaction to his book, Gore can consider his situation over the summer and announce his decision (or if you prefer - "change his mind") sometime in the fall.
It all depends on the circumstances. In September, if the race for the Dem nomination is still wide open and Hillary's campaign is in trouble, it might create the conditions for Gore to enter the race.
Don't forget that Bill Clinton did not kick-off his campaign until October 1991. But Al Gore already has nationwide respect and name recognition that other wannabees can only wish for!
Unless and until Gore endorses another candidate, we have to assume that he is keeping his options open. So it is too soon for those of us who prefer Gore to switch our allegiance.
"If (Al) was going to run in the future, of course I would support him. I think he'd be a fantastic president. He already got a majority of votes of people in this country once, and so that says something."
-- Tipper Gore on Good Morning America, June 13, 2006
http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=2069724&page=1 Let's all find ways to show our support for Al Gore! :patriot:
Read Al's blog:
http://blog.algore.com Get ready for
Live Earth on 7/7/07: www.liveearth.org
Sign the petitions at www.algore.org and www.draftgore.com