March 8th, 2007 by sirkowski
Yeah, you read that right, Republicans and wingnuts seem to have learned to appreciate gay porn. What changed their minds? IOKIYAR of course.
The story so far: Matt Sanchez, a student and reservist Marine, wrote a column about what he perceived to be an anti-military bias at Columbia U. It got picked up by Bill “anal vibrator” O’Reilly and Sanchez became the wingnut’s boy-toy. Last weekend he got an award at CPAC and even got his picture taken with Ann Coulter.
That’s when some people realized that Matt Sanchez once starred in gay pornos. He was a liberal in these day, he says, it had nothing to do with his love of teh cock. And that’s when Malkin, Blackfive, Ace of Spades, etc. are forced to do the unthinkable (easy for them to unthink I guess). Sanchez is being attacked by evil libruls and unable to ever admit a mistake, the wingnuts are stuck defending him. How do they pull it off? They don’t really. Sanchez has been cured of teh gay by Jesus. He was a victim of liberalism, forced to sell his penis to the Hollywood Jewish conspiracy. We liberals are intolerant of… I dunno what the fuck we’re intolerant about, but apparently, pointing to Sanchez hypocracy is intolerant.
So Matt used to be a whore for the porn industry. Nothing wrong with that if you ask me, good for him if his cock is worth money. What the wingnuts don’t understand though, is that Matt is still a whore, an attention whore. They don’t know what they’ve stepped in. Sanchez doesn’t seem to blame the left for the outting. He’s more upset that we didn’t notice him earlier. This is going to come and bite them in the ass (lol) later.
The moral of this story is, conservatives love gays; as long as they’re not gay.