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Bill Scher: Gore And An Uncomfortable Congress (from

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 06:59 PM
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Bill Scher: Gore And An Uncomfortable Congress (from
Former vice president Al Gore testified before both House and Senate congressional committees on Wednesday, giving both houses and both parties time to consider his "inconvenient truths" about global warming —and forcing members to choose between action and obfuscation.

Gore came to Capitol Hill with 516,000 petition signatures calling for immediate action to stop global warming.More than 200,000 of those have come in since Thursday.

David Roberts, over at Gristmill, was liveblogging the Gore hearings before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and has a colorful summation of Gore's 10-point plan to stop global warming.

No. 1: immediate carbon freeze! Then a program of reductions -- 90% reductions by 2050! Wow, that's ballsy.

Second: reduce taxes on employment and production, and make up the difference with pollution taxes, mainly CO2. ... It would make us more competitive. Discourage pollution while encouraging work. But carbon pollution is not priced into the marketplace...

Third: a portion of the revenues must be earmarked for low-income people who will have a difficult time making this transition.

Fourth: strong global treaty ... We should work toward "de facto compliance with Kyoto." We ought to move forward the start date of the next treaty, from 2012 to 2010, so the next president can use his or her political good will to act immediately. We have to build more confidence that China and India will join sooner rather than later.

The complete piece is at:

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 08:21 PM
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1. PM Kick....
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Cha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 08:27 PM
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2. Gore got his 1/2 Million Strong!
Gore has been on this for 30 years and he will keep plugging away until huge steps are taken to reverse our Global Climate Change.

The World Is Flats seem to have been out in full force today especially on our corporatemediawhoreshills(tweety, margaret carlson..yeah you).

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JNelson6563 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 08:50 PM
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3. It's all good, I liked this part
We ought to move forward the start date of the next treaty, from 2012 to 2010, so the next president can use his or her political good will to act immediately.

'Cause bob knows this current one has no good will and will take no action.

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Pierzin Donating Member (710 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 09:55 PM
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4. I am becoming more of an activist every day, thanks to Al Gore
Edited on Wed Mar-21-07 10:00 PM by Pierzin
I love it! 90%reduction of emissions??? Will that be enough to make up for the inaction taken during the Bush Administration? We have to take serious serious action about this.

All the glaciers in the world are dissappearing as we speak. How can boatloads fo tourists go to Alaska and not be alarmed by this? I first heard about this back in the early 80's, before Gore published his book.
Someone, God help me I was a kid then, but my neighbor got a book that talked about this, (Global Warming), and now I recognize what a rabid radical my neighbor must have been, for even possessing such a thing!!!

I vividly recall now standing over a table as a kid with my older teenage neighbors (who of course knew everything) and we were looking at maps of the world where the coastlines were all changed. Did I mention this was in the 80s!!!!????? Back then there were only three networks, so suppression of information was easy.

This all really FREAKS ME the F_** OUT!
I gotta find out about this book now!
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