The United States Plans to STAY in Iraq
Steve Moyer, Al-Jazeerah 20, 2007
How much clearer can I make it? There is NO PLAN to leave Iraq. The current "plan" with a timetable is a deception. It's meant to "quiet the storm" of public disapproval for the war for another year. By that time it will be too late to do the ONE THING which could possibly end this war and bring the troops home: IMPEACH BUSH AND CHENEY!
That's the only course which offers any realistic path towards ending this insane war. But Congress doesn't want to impeach Bush and Cheney because it would mean exposing how corrupt our government truly is to Americans and the world. They would need to honesty investigate everything ... including 9-11 ... and reveal the evil deeds done to guarantee that we would secure the oil of Iraq for our future use.
It's true that there are a lot of Democrats and some Republicans who honestly want to get out of Iraq. But there aren't enough of them in the Senate to bring about a successful impeachment which requires a 2/3 majority.
So the Democrats ask "Why bother taking the country down this road when we can't succeed?" One correct answer to this question is "because they have committed high crimes against the nation and the world." A simple answer is "because they deserve it." A sensible answer is "we won't know until we earnestly try."
Hillary Clinton doesn't want to leave Iraq. She wants to "cap the troops" at current levels. She'll go along with a timetable because she knows that Bush won't honor it and will drag the war out to the end of his term with the assertion of "executive authority."
It Congress tries to change the war authorization he will say that the new legislation interferes with his authority to "prosecute the war" as Commander-in-Chief and ignore it. If Congress takes the issue to the Supreme Court the Court will assert that it is a "political issue" which it is unable to adjudicate.
There is only one viable course if we want to end the war in Iraq before 2009. That course is impeachment. The Republicans cleverly dragged the nation through an absurd endeavor to impeach Clinton over a small matter in relation to the high crimes of this gang of criminals. They knew what was coming and secured our resistance to the impeachment process.
The evildoers running our government are counting on Hillary Clinton to carry on the war, albeit at a lower level and with less public opposition, in 2009. They want to "wear down the Iraqis" over a period of about 10 years. Then the oil exravanganza can proceed. They figure the Americans will welcome a woman president and give her a year or two to calm things down in Iraq. Once the oil starts flowing, Americans will stop paying attention to the violence in Iraq and settle back into the familiar decadence of a booming economy produced by cheap oil.
If we were sincerely going to get out of Iraq we would be giving the Iraqi government an Air Force to defend itself. We would be negotiating the transfer of the military bases to the Iraqi government. We would be allowing Iraq to nationalize its oil resources so as to better distribute the wealth to its people. Instead, we are encouraging them to privatize the oil resources so that the national government will LOSE control over its own oil resources. Where is the Iraqi Air force? What about those U.S. bases?
So since we are planning on staying in Iraq .... forever ... let's start doing some smart things. First, teach our soldiers the appropriate language(s) of the areas. Second, teach Iraqis English so they can operate as translators. Third, teach them democracy so they can govern themselves without resorting to civil war and involve the neighboring countries in the same endeavor. Democracy is more than voting; it requies that elected leaders LISTEN to the people.
Of course, the third suggestion sounds pretty absurd when you consider how dysfunctional American democracy is right now.
Let's come out of denial. Tell the truth. This is about controlling the oil. Iraq is the jewel of the Middle East. It may actually have MORE OIL than Saudi Arabia once the dust settles and the exploration begins. We have no intention of letting it go into the hands of the warring tribes of the region. Tell the truth.
The Iraq war was a mistake at so many levels. But we understand the one level which made sense at the time and still makes sense: control of oil. Even if it means 10,000 dead American soldiers and a million dead Iraqis, we intend to pursue this domination quest regardless. It's wrong. It's an agressive war for capital conquest. It's evil. It's destroying our society and theirs.
But it continues because deep down inside most of us really lust after that Middle Eastern oil. We understand the truth of the statement made by President Bush when he claimed this war was about "preserving our way of life." Many lies have come from Bush's mouth, but this statement was a profound truth.
Oil is essential to "our way of life" and we have no plan to leave Iraq.
Tell the truth. If we really wanted to get out of Iraq we would focus on impeaching Bush and Cheney rather than setting fraudulent "timelines" which will consume us long enough so as to make impeachment impossible. That's what I advocate. That's what millions of Americans want. But neither the Republican nor Democratic leadership in Congress is interested in honoring the "will of the people."
Justice requires impeachment but preserving "our way of life" requires war, political domination and ever-expanding capital markets.
Tell the truth.
Steve Moyer