Steve at C&L found the tastiest quote in
Bush's presser:
“I also want to say something to the U.S. attorneys who reside. I appreciate your service to the country. And while I strongly support the Attorney General’s decision and am confident he acted appropriately, I regret these resignations turned into such a public spectacle....
“I’m sorry this, frankly, has bubbled to the surface the way it has, for the U.S. attorneys involved. I really am. These are — I put them in there in the first place; they’re decent people. They serve at our pleasure. And yet, now they’re being held up into the scrutiny of all this, and it’s just — what I said in my comments, I meant about them. I appreciated their service, and I’m sorry that the situation has gotten to where it’s got. But that’s Washington, D.C. for you. You know, there’s a lot of politics in this town.”
This is like Jeffrey Dahmer saying "I'm really sorry my victims had their uneaten body parts dragged through the media like this. They were served at my pleasure. I appreciated their nutritional value, and we'd have all been better off without this scrutiny. But that's the kind of town Milwaukee is, with all its crime and punishment."
My son made a great point about the Bush quote. With most of Dubya's BS-ing, you can sort-of, kind-of believe he thinks — or rather imagines — he's telling the truth. This contorted spinning couldn't possibly fool even him.
Hey, the liberal light is always on at the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. Please stop by and say "hi!"