So, let's see. We've had "Primary Colors", where Bill Clinton was accused of the Arkansas-yokel-myth of committing statutory rape with an underaged black teenager. We've had "Black Hawk Down", where Clinton was portrayed as not giving a crap about the men put in harm's way in Somalia by Bush I. We've had "Wag the Dog", which even though it came out a year before the Lewinsky scandal broke and was said by the writers to be about Bush I and the Gulf War, was taken by the mainstream media to be about the cynical manipulations of Bill Clinton.
Will "liberal" Hollywood ever give us a movie about what we actually know about this cabal of thieves? Something where an evil and grasping vice president pulls the strings on a vicious, ignorant, and lazy chief executive, where lies are told to start wars and the military industrial/media complex rakes in piles of blood money? Where military people are treated as props or pawns, and the rule of law is thrown completely out of the window?
Even when Hollywood tries to show a true GOP character, like Bob Rumson in "The American President" or Bob Alexander in "Dave", they don't capture how truly malevolent these guys are.
Actually seeing a movie about what our thesis is about this White House is incredibly important. Many of us probably have the imagination to picture the kinds of manipulations and scenes happening to prolong the war, blackmail reporters, hide wrongdoing, and commit corruption. But until the vast majority of the citizens "see" that story with their own eyes, through a dramatic representation of it, they won't get it. They won't see how the story of the last six years actually makes sense if you just assume all of these idiots are working for their own gain against the good of the country.
Hollywood, it's time to actually earn your "liberal" libel.