I would even argue that he missed the TAXI on his way to the boat!
NEW YORK (CNN) -- An incompetent attorney general, who says he wasn't fully aware that nearly 10 percent of the U.S. attorneys who work for him throughout the country were being fired and permitted the 110,000-person Justice Department that he leads to give inaccurate information at best, or simply lie about it at worst, to the Congress and the American people, has the full confidence of the president who's lost the confidence of most people.
And this is what passes for a big-time, dramatic, historic constitutional crisis in 21st century America? You've got to be kidding. This is the most partisan, politically driven administration in history, and we're all supposed to be surprised by its conduct and motivation in the firing of these U.S. attorneys? Please.
Now the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law has voted to approve subpoenas that would force chief policy adviser Karl Rove, former White House counsel Harriet Miers and other top presidential aides to testify publicly and under oath about their involvement in the firings.
Guess what? That little ol' subcommittee can't do much of anything to force executive branch employees to testify without the help of the very man and department at the center of this altogether silly and over-baked controversy. That's right; Attorney General Alberto Gonzales or one of his U.S. attorneys would have to enforce any subpoenas refused by any of the president's aides....
http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/21/dobbs.March22/index.htmlIt's not that I take issue with anything he says so far, but he later implies that this is the only thing Democrats are focusing on, ignoring the Iraq war and so on, as he later states in his article:
While this president's so-called free trade policies continue to bleed the nation and the economy of millions of jobs and add to a $5 trillion mountain of trade debt, and while our public schools continue to fail a generation of young Americans, this Congress chooses to invest its energy and time in pure partisan blather and cheap political theatrics.
I am not sure Mr. Dobbs understands that there are only a HANDFUL of Congresspersons from each party pursuing this matter, while the rest ARE handling the people's business. Even still, I sent the below correspondence without comparing priorities, since he seems to be ignoring what Congress has done and is attempting to do since November.
Dear Mr. Dobbs:
Although I do appreciate your perspective on how partisan politics is distracting us from more serious business, I am still not convinced that the Democrats pursuing the suspicious firings of U.S. Attorneys (USAs) is a bad thing.
It should not be taken lightly that we have an administration that thumbs its nose at the rule of law not once, by presumably impeding justice by firing prosecutors who are not toeing the party line, but twice, by ignoring subpoenas, as no one else in this country is permitted to do.
If the Democrats ignore this flagrant disrespect of our laws, then what is to stop "I refuse to resign" Gonzales from continuing this purge of USAs that this administration believes aren't partisan enough? It appears that you argue that if a bigwig Republican steals millions of dollars from veterans, the USA that is pursing this case can be fired by this administration (notice, I did not say "the president" who is required to be the sole decision-maker of such things as is required by law) because Republicans should be above the law. You imply that Democrats, and U.S. citizens, should tolerate this situation. I think not. For what other transgressions will we therefore need to tolerate? Murder?
The Democrats need to continue to investigate this matter, if only to remind Bush & Co. that they reside in the United States: a country made up of laws, not men.
Meanwhile the wingnuts believe that subpoenas for Karl and Harriet, who have most likely broken the law in a most despicable way, are unacceptable, but Clinton needs to talk about his blow job under oath. For christ's sake! :banghead: