Just as he mocked Michael J. Fox, today he proceeded to claim that the Edwards press conference was all a political stunt and that it was probably all scripted out to give his campaign a boost. Isn't that just amazing? This dimwitted, hypocritical pundit actually has a massive and dedicated fanbase... what does that say, not only about Rush, but about some of the people in this country? Rush "fat, conservative, and addicted to opiates" Limbaugh actually had the nerve to say something to the affect of: what the Edwards family is going through is private and has no place in politics. Yes, in true Limbaugh ultra-hypocrit fashion, he believes that one's personal life should be private if one has reoccuring cancer, yet I remember Rush taking a very different position on the privacy of a politicians personal life when Clinton was President.
*sigh* But this has all been said before I'm sure, point is... once again, Rush has attacked an ill person who has done nothing more to him than differ in ideology. I think most of the people on the right are good hearted people who want to make this country a better place, just like us, but they go about it in a different way. Rush Limbaugh, however; is a joke of a human being-"entertainer" or not. Somewhere along the way he's bound to reeeeally get his.
How much money would I have to pay Pat Robertson to get his buddy vengeful-God to punish Limbaugh?