"Look, it really is not that big a deal to me," Fitzgerald said at a news conference announcing the latest public corruption indictment under his leadership. "I just do my job.".....
"There's no way I'm putting one toe in that pool and not going head-first," Fitzgerald said, "so I'm just keeping the toe out of the pool and just not going there."......
I called him when it came out, and he said 'I'm just an average guy having an average day,'" Comey said. "He just laughed about it. It doesn't require its own rebuttal. It's sort of like saying, 'Derek Jeter is an average shortstop.'"....
http://www.chicagotribune.com/by the way his latest indictment is
"The U.S. attorney's office announced today that a federal grand jury has indicted former Chicago Streets and Sanitation Commissioner Al Sanchez on nine counts of mail fraud...." this is one more step to get to democratic mayor of chicago...