I just thought this was kinda good:
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/3/22/204516/706 "How It Looks from the Outside"
I'm actually quite proud of the progressive caucus -- it's time House progressives start flexing their muscles a little. And the concessions they've won are important ones. Is the supplemental perfect? Nope. But ultimately, it matters little. Bush will veto it, just like he'd veto a "tougher" bill. The would-be-emperor from the unaccountable administration has no interest in agreeing to even the most mildest of oversight requests.
from Kos:
Kos explains why the reps SHOULD vote for the bill:
"At the end of the day, this is a message battle. It's a chance for Democrats to show that they are interested in ending the war and getting our troops safely home, while the other side wants to escalate the war and get our troops killed.
"To that end, look at the headlines the Supplemental is generating:
US Democrats press deadline for Iraq pullout
Iraq pullout measures moves with war bill
US House opens debate on US withdrawal from Iraq
House Democrats seek votes for Iraq exit timetable
Dems labor for sure majority on pullout
Iraq pullout measure moves ahead
After 3 decades, Congress again tries to end a war
Dems seek votes to order pullout from Iraq
"You get the point. Few care about the details. The message being sent is that Democrats want out, Republicans want more Americans to die in Iraq."
That is the clear distinction we need heading into 2008.