(LINK) Yeah, I know. I'm rooting for him, I like the guy, I know him. I hope he survives, but he's got to clean up his act and at least know what's happening in his department. He, at that press conference, said "Well, I didn't know anything about this." When you're heading a Cabinet agency—I did at the Department of Energy—and it's very hard to do that, 'cause you got thousands of people working for you.
...(answer to follow up)
They probably shouldn't have confirmed him. I don't think the president should have given him that job. He was White House counsel. He might have been an excellent ambassador to Mexico. He's very loyal to the president. I've had conversations with him on immigration. I thought he was very competent.
But he obviously was not engaged with his department. So, I do believe that if he doesn't come forth and testify and be frank with the American people and tell the Congress, then the president should remove him. But I just think, Tavis, that this is a presidential decision. You can pick your Cabinet. And if somebody's not performing, let him go.
And I don't agree with the president saying virtually that Alberto didn't do anything wrong, and that the Congress shouldn't have access to Karl Rove and to Harriet Miers. They should. But there's a human side to me. The guy's a very, very—came up from a very poor family, he's the highest-ranking Hispanic ever. Maybe I'm waiting a little more so that he cleans up his act before I join everybody else and try to, I guess, make some political hay out of this.
There's more at the link but it sounded like to me that though he disagrees with Gonzales on many issues, he personally likes the guy (having dealt with him over immigration issues) and is giving him the benefit of the doubt when Gonzales says that he didn't know anything about the firings. However, he does say that Gonzales should testify before congress and Richardson really complements David Iglesias.
This may also be a political calculation on Richardson's part since he is hoping on a boost from Hispanic voters and figures they may be turned off if he immediately calls for the firing of Gonzales. Gonzales is the highest ranking Hispanic ever in the US government. It also could be that Richardson actually speaks his mind and doesn't jump on an issue he doesn't agree with because of the potential political boost.