Many important Democrat leaders with access to much money and having much power actually approved of going into Iraq, and I don't have any real belief they will be inclined to get us out. I quote Bill Clinton below about his trust in Bush on the war, and I quoted where he said this:
"Bill Clinton in 2004 on Iraq: "I want it to have been worth it."
Unfortunately, President Clinton, it will never have been worth it.
I hear they are going to vote on the supplemental tomorrow. I have a lot of mixed feelings. I know that the progressives have been asked to go along, give in. And the Blue Dogs were not asked to do so. So, that bothers me. I figure there are 72 in the Progressive Caucus, and the total of Blue Dogs and New Dems is 79 put together. That is subtracting the 7 who are joint members of the two conservative groups.
So I guess you could look at it two ways. Progressives far outnumber each group individually, or that the Progressives are behind by 7 if the two groups are combined.
Whatever the case the Progressives were asked to give in, vote with us, let us get something....sounds so familiar.
Do some Dems think putting troop standards will undermine troops?Here's a poll, and a more recent one shows 60 percent in favor.
Would you support or oppose Congress trying to block Bush's plan by creating new rules on troop training and rest time that would limit the number of troops available for duty in Iraq?
Support: 58 percent
Oppose: 39 percent
Unknown: 4 percent
Allen Boyd, a Blue Dog leader says this:
"We think this is the group that represents where the greatest bloc of Americans are -- toward that big middle. Not far left, not far right, but that big middle, that's going to be able to get things done," he added. "And it's going to have to be done on a bipartisan basis."
He says they are the "big middle", and they want to be bipartisan. But they don't want to do what the majority wants....create new rules on troop training and rest time.
"Iraq is a good example," Boyd said. "The majority of the caucus would say, 'Let's be really strong in forcing the president out of here.' Well, some of us are really uncomfortable playing general, and you're going to see that reflected in what we vote on."
I really fear we are not going to leave. I honestly believe we are there for oil and reasons of empire in the guise of protecting our nation and our interests. I think many Democrats were actually in favor of going into Iraq. Looking back to 2004:
Bill Clinton in 2004 on Iraq: "I want it to have been worth it."
His quote:
I want it to have been worth it, even though I didn't agree with the timing of the attack," Clinton said
From CNN 2004
Clinton defends successor's push for warFormer President Clinton has revealed that he continues to support President Bush's decision to go to war in Iraq but chastised the administration over the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison.
"I have repeatedly defended President Bush against the left on Iraq, even though I think he should have waited until the U.N. inspections were over," Clinton said in a Time magazine interview that will hit newsstands Monday, a day before the publication of his book "My Life."
Clinton, who was interviewed Thursday, said he did not believe that Bush went to war in Iraq over oil or for imperialist reasons but out of a genuine belief that large quantities of weapons of mass destruction remained unaccounted for.
...."I want it to have been worth it, even though I didn't agree with the timing of the attack," Clinton said"
Here is the letter from the liberal House Dems on which they were asked to compromise.
Liberal House Dems unveil new approach.Congress is going to have to act decisively to end this occupation and to bring troops home. Bush has bet his legacy on an unnecessary war that his administration has botched at every turn. His escalation plan is a plan to pass the buck. If anyone thinks that it will be easy for the next President, even a Democrat, to quickly extricate our nation from the mess Bush has made, he or she is just wrong. Congress is going to have to act, either sooner or later.
The Bush administration argues that Congressional action on Iraq either constitutes micromanagement or cutting off funding for troops in the field, but let's look at the facts.
Fully funding withdrawal is not micromanagement, it is macromanagement - the Bush administration has so badly managed this effort that they have forced Congress to intervene.
Fully funding withdrawal is not cutting off funding - we are going to fully fund a rational alternative to the administration's attempt to run out the clock on their failed policy.
They are right. The vote coming up which will probably not do much for the troops. I find myself wondering how many more will die before the fall of 08.