Dear Congresswoman,
I have always been proud to be one of your constituents. Until now. Your about-face on the war supplemental is shocking and disappointing in equal measure.
I understand you are doing this to prop up Speaker Pelosi (and thus ingratiate yourself into the leadersip of the party). I also understand this is a political calculation on your part. You think you can survive politically if you do this. And you may even be right. Perhaps this seems like a win-win proposition to you.
But there are losers involved with this. First off, thousands of troops will be killed or wounded, because they were kept over there unecessarily.
And the Iraqi civilians who haven't been able to get away by now are imperiled too. Those billions you want to give to George Bush will buy bullets, and mortar rounds, and who knows what else which will be used against them. Haven't they suffered enough already?
But I count myself a loser in this, too. I was foolish enough to believe your pledge not to vote any more funding for this war. It was on your website earlier this month. And yet, things have somehow changed. Somehow, now, George Bush will respect your wishes and obey the conditions you want to put on these billions of dollars.
Congressman McDermott knows that Bush will just take the money and issue a signing statement later. How can you not see this coming, too? Denial can be a powerful thing, I suppose.
Congressman Lewis has it exactly right. He stated that he cannot, in good conscience, vote for another dollar, or another dime, to fund this war. I wish your position was as principled as his.
Please know that I can not vote for you after this. Ending the war trumps everything, and giving George Bush more money is not the way to do it.
Thank you for reading this.