There are no words to describe these monsters.
They seem to think that someone should value THEIR opinion about the Edwards private family decision making process.
They echo the general Republican core value that big government has the right, nay, the obligation, to dictate the very personal family decisions that people make. Even very personal medical decisions.
Earth to Freepers: You have no fucking right to dictate to the Edwards how to respond or not to respond to their own personal, medical difficulties. It is NOT your life, it is THEIRS.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Kaslin
Edwards is a dumb ass. When cancer cells show up in the bone, it is bad. He should put his family first - FOR A CHANGE! What an egomaniac.
2 posted on 03/22/2007 10:58:00 AM PDT by juliej (vote gop)
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To: Kaslin
What a self-centered prick!
3 posted on 03/22/2007 10:58:42 AM PDT by Bommer (Global Warming: The only warming phenomena that occurs in the Summer and ends in the Winter!)
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To: Kaslin
Why would he possibly hold a press conference about this if not for the fact that he is trolling for the sympathy vote? Guaranteed that when she dies he will play the "On her deathbed, my wife told me to change this country for the better, and I made a commitment to her to do just that, folks" card.
5 posted on 03/22/2007 10:59:45 AM PDT by Rodney King (No, we can't all just get along.)
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To: Kaslin
he's going to try and pivot off this to increase his popularity. how long before he's crying on Oprah with his wife at his side.
6 posted on 03/22/2007 10:59:48 AM PDT by oceanview
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To: juliej
Edwards is a cold SOB. But as a Democrat, it is always, him first.
9 posted on 03/22/2007 11:02:04 AM PDT by Diogenesis (Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum)
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To: Kaslin
He is using his wife to further his career (on his way to hell)! POS slimeball to the MAX!!!
11 posted on 03/22/2007 11:03:04 AM PDT by LibLieSlayer (Preserve America... kill terrorists... destroy dims!)
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To: Rodney King
"It is quite possible that she wants to spend her last months on a presidential campaign rather than just wasting away at home."
The stress of the campaign will most likely decrease her lifetime in the light of the cancer.
14 posted on 03/22/2007 11:05:28 AM PDT by Diogenesis (Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum)
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To: Kaslin
Look, I hate that she's got cancer again, but I almost got physically ill listening to her press conference, going on and on about how wonderful he is, he's a man of the people, blah blah blah--and how he's continuing his campaign because that's just the kind of guy he is. Gag me! Mighty big of him! Like some other people wrote, he should put *her* first. He's pretty young. He can always try to run for President again...BUT if worse came to worse, she's going through this mess alone? I don't care how much she puts on a brave face--the kids are going to pick up on this and they'll be the ones to pay in the future for his 'selfless ambitions' now. :-(
16 posted on 03/22/2007 11:06:16 AM PDT by pillut48 (CJ in TX (Bible Thumper and Proud!))
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To: pillut48
He is sure to lock up the single woman vote now, as they will all want to be the first lady when mrs. edwards dies.
19 posted on 03/22/2007 11:08:02 AM PDT by Rodney King (No, we can't all just get along.)
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To: Kaslin
The cynics were right. Exploitation.
20 posted on 03/22/2007 11:09:34 AM PDT by ozzymandus
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