it's going to be vastly entertaining! I can hardly wait the 22 months!
How amusing it will be to hear all the criticism from the conservatives, the Freepers, the neo-cons, the shills, stooges and the bought-and-paid-for media as they suddenly reverse all their talking points and begin to whine about the Constitutional duties of Congress to engage in oversight and checks and balances...
to hear them go on about how the Executive should not overstep its authority with signing statements or with the cockamamy notion of the unitary executive...
to hear about how the Judicial branch should be neutral and non-politicized...
Oh how amusing it will be!
The Republicans have stood by idly as Dick Cheney and Rover have grasped and clawed their way to redefine and broaden the Executive branch to an all-consuming enormous juggernaut that eats democracy and spews blasphemy against the sacred ideals this country was founded on. They and their base have even encouraged this all-out powergrab and carried water and raised banners and cheered for these heretics while the drums of war went boom-boom-boom.
How fitting that The Power that was never intended, but that they created, will rest in the hands of their "enemy" - a liberal, progressive, possibly populist Democrat.
The difference of course, is that a "liberal" as defined, a "progressive" as defined and certainly a "populist" as defined would refrain from using The Power, and will revert to the traditional role of the Executive.