GREAT NEWS! URGENT MESSAGE I just talked with Dr. Bob, our radio tower is being installed as I write. I am so excited I could bust, however, for the completion of the installation we need only $1500 more. Please send in your donations right now to: CICJ 1240 Bryden Road Columbus, Ohio 43205 Or go to freepress.org/store look for Pay Pal, you can donate faster. I don't have to tell you how the lack of having our own radio station and programming has crippled us, especially since 1230 AM is off the air with the people that really told the truth. The air ways is the way to control the 2008 elections. Please help us help YOU. FINALLY THE AIR WAYS WILL BELONG TO THE PEOPLE. NOT BIG BUSINESS OR THE GOVERNMENT. Send this email out to everyone. If the right-wing can make things happen, WE CAN TO, WE ARE DOING IT, WITH YOUR HELP. PLEASE FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO ANYONE WHO ATTENDED THE FCC HEARINGS.