There are too many other DUers who can do a better job of explaining things to you, but I have to speak up this time. My husband and I have known since January, that a very, very close family friend was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. We were with his wife at the hospital, when he had surgery. My husband has known his friend for over 40 years, and I've known them for over 20 of those years.
They have tried radiation therapy, and chemo. According to the neurologist they met with yesterday, there is no question of having further treatment. Not only have the tumors not shrunk, but he has developed some new ones. So, his beautiful, courageous wife, has announced to all concerned, that from now on, the month or two he has left, is to be dedicated to HIM. To what HE wants. Now, this friend would cut off her right arm before she tried to play on anyone's sympathy. Now, with her husband's life close to ending, she can't afford to be distracted by things like what ignorant, insensitive people say, or think.
If he wants to drive a hundred miles in the middle of the night to get a pizza, one of us will take him. It's not about any of us, it's about him. From everything I've ever read, or heard, about John and Elizabeth Edwards, this is probably more her decision than her husbands. I know that it's hard for some to understand, but this is a beautiful, warm, intelligent woman, who has already known the grief of losing a child. Everything I've ever read, or heard, about her, paints a picture of a woman who truly, and deeply, feels that her husband has something to offer this country.
The announcement was not made to get sympathy. As we all know, though, if they had failed to disclose her health, the frothing at the mouth right-wingnut chorus would be screeching about how awful it was of Edwards not to announce her condition. No matter what he, or she does, they will attack. The ones who look for dirt see it, whether it's there or not. I can put myself in her place, and I think, or like to think, that there could be no greater tribute to her beautiful life, than to know that her husband could find the strength to go through her battle with her, but that together, they could both decide that their country would be well served if her husband could lead it.
I think that together, John and Elizabeth Edwards have decided to carry on their fight to bring America back to sanity. I admire her more than I can say. I admire him. I only wish that people would stop making this about anything other than what the two of them together decide they want to do. I hope, and pray, that she is with us for many, many years to come. In the meantime, let's just argue about a candidate's positions on the issues, and not on speculation about what some think their motives are. It's mean-spirited, and wrong.