Edited on Sat Mar-24-07 02:19 PM by nadinbrzezinski
So I was having a less than polite discussion with somebody and it occurred to me, how did I become an independent?
I came to the US from another country, and when I became a citizen, in 1998, I naturally joined the Democratic party. It was a no brainier
My first election was 2000, and I scarcely paid attention ot the primaries, after all this state had scarcely a peep of a role in them. I also voted for Gore\Lieberman and the rest of the Dem ticket, because hey, that is what I am expected to do... or at least I thought so.
Then comes December 12, 2000 and the beginning of my education and down the road to radicalization.
I started watching C-SPAN, and found Mike Malloy on the radio (computer, as well as Peter Werbe and both Ray taliafero and Bernie Ward.)
I started readying, voraciously about how the system really works. Hell, until this year I have not read a fiction book.
I became more and more disenchanted with our party's inability to function as an effective opposition party, and started finding out some things about some of our candidates, like Feinstein's links to the Carlyle group. I also learned about Yellow Dogs and blue dogs and Progresives and conservatives and to a point this knoweldge made it even harder to see myself in any of these groups...
My glasses were finally lifted when the gift to the Credit Card companies passed, shortly after Alito was approved.
that is when I made my mind... and I went ahead and changed my registration from Democratic Party to Independent
It is not because the party left me, but because they were highly ineffective at doing what opposition parties do...
Now I also live in a modified primary state, so very technically I could vote on either primary.
In some ways I wish ALL states had open primaries and the only people who declared party, or faction, were the candidates
Of course I wish to see proportional representation and public financing of elections.
But the reality is... these days this former Dmm tends to still vote DEM, but will only fund local and congressional candidates who are from the local area, AFTER I vet them personally... and if a local dem does not measure up... that will be a problem
That said... a snow ball has a far better chance in hell than the Republican party ever getting my vote... after the last six years... I will never vote for a republican... and that is clear to me now.
I wonder, how many others have walked a similar path, and will the party ever have a chance to get us to register democratic again? There is a chance... but there are some things that need to happen that have yet to happen...
And no, I am not looking for ideological purity either... I am far more jaded than just looking for purity... and alas I do understand how the damn system works and the games that are being played.
Edited for clarity