Folks, it looks like, thanks to the blogosphere, CREW and Dan Froomkin, the hidden scandal within the prosecutor purge isn't going away anytime soon. So here are some stories, old and new, that help shed light on this matter:
Dan Froomkin (Washington Post):, Not an Isolated Incident
(March 15)•
CREW: CREW Asks for House Investigation into White House Violations of Presidential Records Act: U.S. Attorney Firings and Abramoff-Related Emails Sent from RNC and Other Outside Addresses Circumvent Mandatory Record-Keeping System
(March 15)•
Shakespeare's Sister: King of the Internets
(March 16)•
Daily Kos: Rove's "Dirty Tricks" Email Servers
(March 17)•
Shakespeare's Sister: Doc Dumb and Emailing
(March 20)•
Hughes for America/
Shakespeare's Sister: The hidden scandal within the prosecutor purge
(March 20)•
Daily Kos: GWB43 - The Exclusive Email Server for Rove's Boys?
(March 21)•
Cannonfire: GwB43: The White House, vote theft, and the email trail
(March 22)•
CREW: CREW Sends FOIA Requests Asking for Documents Regarding White House Communications Methods
(March 22)•
CREW: New e-mails prompt the question: Did Bush make the decision to fire the U.S. Attorneys?
(March 22)•
Dan Froomkin (Washington Post): Rove's E-mails (scroll down)
(March 23)•
CREW: Read the e-mails that raise the question of Bush's involvement in U.S. Attorneys scandal
(March 23)•
Daily Kos: 95% of Rove's emails from RNC servers=The Endgame
(March 24)Please, upon reading these, if you're able to add another piece to the puzzle, drop us a line. Thanks!