Breaux is a consummate politician. He is connected, effective, intimidating, good on his feet, and experienced. He will make Jindal look like the wimpy little wonk that he is, and will remind voters (right or wrong) of his religious conversion for political reasons and that Jindal worked with Hillary on her first health care initiative.
Wingnuts are already running ads here saying Breaux cannot run because of his residency status. Thankfully, DICK Cheney has provided us with some wonderful case law to support his case of residency here. (since Cheney cheated on his residency status to claim Wyoming residency instead of the Texas residency he clearly possessed, having a job, home, homestead and taxes filed in Texas, making him Constitutionally ineligible to be Veep). Thing is, Louisiana has never been a big fan of the rule of law. The cult of personality rules here with an iron fist.
The Repukes view Jindal here basically like a plantation owner views their favorite slave, and I am not kidding at all. I have heard 'supporters' of his use AWFUL words to describe him.
When Breaux comes back and makes it official, Jindal will begin to tank. It won't be closebecause in the end, racism is VERY powerful stuff in Louisiana. (only partisan sexism is stronger)
Glad as hell Blanco isn't running though. She was TRULY terrible, and would have embarrassed the party and set it back further in the state at this crucial time for the party here.