Gee, how nice, CHOOSE LIFE!!!!!!
When is TX gonna stop euthanizing their prison population on death row? When are they gonna choose life on that end? Or are they only worth anything when they are less than thirty days old?
This hasn't a rat's chance of passage. It's slavery--trading humans for cash. And they want that kid FRESH, too--not more than thirty days old. And five hundred bucks won't pay your hospital bills or fund the clothes that pregnant women need. If you're gonna pay, assuming you could get beyond the unconstitutional aspects of the law, I mean, really--PAY. This guy must think having a baby is like taking a big, somewhat constipated shit. What an insulting, pandering and empty piece of legislation.
I love that bit about having to give the kid UP to get the cash. Sheesh. They want to make sure poor folks who need a bit of money don't try to pretend they are gonna go get an abortion to get a few hundred bucks. Ahhh, the smell of compassionate conservatism!
Patrick has filed legislation to make the payment state law, but the legislature has not yet voted on it.
His proposal calls for giving any woman going to an abortion clinic the $500 option, to be paid no more than 30 days after the baby is born and given up for adoption.