Google House of Representatives
Here's that link: /
When on this site - click on 'Congressional Record' under 'Find A Bill' in the middle of the page.
On the next page click on 'Browse Daily Issues'. This takes you to a page where it has a calendar of dates. Click on 'Daily Digest' under March 23rd. On this page click on H.R. 1591. On the next page click on the H.R. 1591EH link that indicates passed by the house.
This will take you to a complete listing of everything that is in this bill. There are .pdf files of every item.
I have heard * as well as some talking heads say this appropriations bill with the troop pullout plan passed in the house by the Dems contained a lot of pork spending.
They refer to peanuts and shrimp - but you don't hear them comment on the New Orleans relief and children's health care money.
I happen to believe that what the Dems funded is 'good pork'.
If it is - we should defend it as such - not let the MSM and * apologists insinuate that it is 'bad pork'.
Seems to me it would be hard for any of my Repug friends to not go along with additional aid for New Orleans; or money for Walter Reed and our returning wounded soldiers; or for children that are in need of health care; or farmers or fishermen that were devastated by the weather and need some help to continue to put food on our tables and to buck up our economy.
The MSM outlets that I've listened to - let the RW talking heads spout out about the 'tax and spend Dems'. Hell * himself in his 'political theatre' response after the passage of this bill - commented on the pork - insinuating it was 'bad pork'.
For 6 years now - the Repug Congress and *Co have been squandering our money like it was going out of style. When we were critical about the 'Bridge To Nowhere' they thumbed their noses up to us and went ahead anyway. I believe just the other day I read where the money is being used for this bridge. Though they tried to make it look like it wouldn't be.
This appropriations bill will not bankrupt this country like *Co is making it out to be. What will bankrupt this country - both morally and economically is the continuation of this war.
What are we up to already in 'war' spending? - billions? - a trillion? - more before its over?
Now take a look for yourself and see what is included in this bill. It looks to me like all worthwhile and defendable projects.
We need to have a response for the 'peanut' and 'spinach' comments being bandied about to hurt the Dems by our friends across the aisle.
Let's defend Nancy Pelosi and the Dems on this - and hope that our Dem Congressmen and Congresswomen - go out and shove this down the throats of the Repugs.