Edited on Sun Mar-25-07 09:25 PM by NanceGreggs
It’s Because I’m Such a SNOB By Nancy Greggs
With all of the discussion of late as to why once chooses to be a Democrat or a Republican, I thought I’d do a little examination-of-conscience as it were, in an attempt to figure out why my political leanings are what they are.
In doing so, I have figured out the ultimate reason for being a Democrat – and it’s time to ‘fess up.
I realized that I chose to be part of a group that uses intellect and common sense to approach the challenges that face our nation. I cannot abide stupidity, or a deliberate ignorance of the facts. I have no patience for those who mimic talking points instead of formulating their own ideas. I abhor the notion of blindly accepting what is said when it is in total contrast to what is done.
In short, I am a SNOB. I’m just not dumb enough to be a Republican, especially these days.
I am too intelligent not to notice that the GOP’s idea of fiscal responsibility has led to a national debt figure that is beginning to rival the number of grains of sand on the average 200-mile stretch of beach. If only I wasn’t smart enough to comprehend the most basic principles of mathematics, I might not have put two and two together.
My ability to not only read, but to comprehend what I am reading, is also a big obstacle in embracing the GOP, along with the intellectual capacity to retain what I have heard. I just don’t have the required idiocy to hear Bush or Cheney say one thing one day, and the opposite thing the next, and not realize that they’re lying. If only I were stupid enough to totally erase statements like “we’re invading Iraq to destroy their WMDs” the minute I hear “we’re invading Iraq to liberate its people from a dictatorship”, the Republicans might have had a fighting chance. But I am just too damned smart to forget what was said from one day to the next, and not stupid enough to not notice the contradictions.
Language skills have probably posed a bigger obstacle than most when it comes to accepting the things the GOP trots out. Again, this is where the SNOB factor comes in, but I really find it downright amusing that anyone would be dumb enough to place their unwavering trust in a man who extols the importance of putting food on one’s family – or, more to the point, entered the presidential race with a complete inability to pronounce the word nuclear (as though it would never come up in conversation). There's my inner SNOB again, totally dismissing an allegedly university-educated man on the basis that if he can't speak coherently, maybe he shouldn't be running a country.
There have just been too many concepts advanced by the current crop of Republicans that I am too well-educated to accept – like the earth being 6,000 years old (because you can’t dis the Fundies), the internets being a series of tubes (because you can’t dis one of your own), or global warming being a conspiracy perpetrated by the solar or wind-energy conglomerate (because you can’t dis the oil companies – who, as we all know, have the best interests of the environment at heart).
Along with the IQ factor, there’s also the fact that common sense keeps rearing its ugly head, which keeps me from wrapping my well-functioning brain around certain theories, like the War on Terror having to be won while our actions keep recruiting more terrorists, or torture being the sure-fire way to win hearts and minds.
And when logic comes into play, the Republican mindset really loses me. We should take the advice of the PNAC boys, because they’ve never been right about anything. We should accept that this administration can keep the country safe, because they couldn’t get food and water to NOLA in the aftermath of Katrina. We should understand that Supporting the Troops is best expressed by not equipping them for combat, and then ignoring them when they come home wounded and in need of care.
No offence, GOP, but I am just too intelligent to be one of you. That’s because I am a SNOB, insistent on throwing my lot in with people who make sense, people who base their policies on facts rather than ever-more-ridiculous fantasies, a party that relies on appealing to the intelligent rather than preying on the easily-manipulated brain-dead.
What can I say, except that I am proud to be a Democrat, the obvious refuge of the well-informed, well-educated, well-read SNOB.
Perhaps I can couch it in more palatable terms, just to be kind: If I were as dumb as the proverbial post, you can rest assured that the Republican Party would have been my first and only choice. And that's a fact.