Support troops with more than ribbons
Fort Wayne News Sentinel have once again received an e-mail concerning support for our troops overseas that implied that anyone who is against the war is against the troops, our country and democracy.
Why do people continue to divide us into two opposing camps? Don't they see the resemblance to those around the world who are doing just that?
I am against all wars. I don't believe war is the answer to the problems we face today. Until we all begin to use real diplomacy to see the common areas where we agree, then fighting all over the world will continue.
I have a yellow ribbon around the tree in my front yard (until all the troops come home) right next to the yard sign saying, 'War is not the answer.' And my peace flag flies next to my American flag. I don't see those ideals as opposites.
Yellow ribbons and wearing red, etc., are the easy ways to act as if you support our troops. How many of us are willing to do what it takes to provide what the troops really need, such as adequate medical care and support after they return so they can be healed both physically and emotionally; monetary help for their spouses and children while they are deployed because their incomes have been cut drastically; the truth about the effects of 'depleted' uranium that is being dispersed in the air and sand in Iraq; jobs when they come home instead of employers being afraid the ex-soldier might 'go postal'; and other options for international conflict resolution so that we do not place the economic burden on our children and grandchildren.
Please keep your minds and hearts open to the possibility that we all have common ideals, even though we don't always agree on how to get there. Please remember that even the troops want peace and that those who are calling for an end to this war are doing it because they support the troops, want them all home safely and support the ideals of 'liberty and justice for all' that our country was founded upon.
And oh, by the way, I am the mother of a soldier.