It’s Monday morning, time for Journalism 101. Mr. Novak, thanks for joining us. Please try to be on time in the future.
Let’s talk about quotations. We like direct quotations. Tell me, why is this an example of lousy writing? Incidentally, Mr. Novak, this is from your Op-Ed piece in today’s Washington Post. Let’s examine it closely.
“Republican leaders in Congress, who asked not to be quoted by name”
“A House Republican leader told me”
“Several of them I talked to”
“One House leader told me”
“A few Republicans”
“Many more say”
“Even when not speaking for quotation”
“One credible source”
“Another equally good source”What’s the problem? Not one single direct quotation and no indication of why a source should be considered credible.
We get the point. You’re an insider. You relax in a cigar lounge drinking brandy and chatting with powerful people. Use direct quotes next time. Direct quotes are good. Protecting cozy relationships is not.
That’s the end of class for today.