from THE NEW MEXICAN: 26, 2007
Former Sen. Bill Bradley, himself a presidential candidate once upon a time, discusses the current field of Democratic hopefuls in this week's New York Times magazine. He gives a nod to Richardson's experience in the interview. letter to the editor shoutout to Bill Richardson in the Jackson, Miss., newspaper, calling him the "most qualified candidate" for presidency, and slamming the media for ignoring his candidacy. The writer, Joseph Michael Rodriguez, even gives Richardson his official name. Bill Richardson Lopez-Collada, including his mother's name as is customary in Mexico. had the hard luck of hosting a Hollywood meet-and-greet the same weekend as Hillary Clinton and John Edwards were in town over the weekend. Even Hollywood's showbiz trade mag Variety covered all the acitivity here. Richardson told the people at agent Mitch Kaplan's office that he would appoint his vice president to the AIDS commission. All candidates are fundraising with a vengeance, because a March 31 campaign finance reporting deadline will show how well they are doing in raking in the cash. Right now, that's the race that matters. Nevada: Democrats talked health care in Nevada over the weekend, with Richardson picking up mentions for this "heroes health card," which would allow veterans to be treated at any medical facility. Ana Marie Cox (founder of the Wonkette blog but now blogger for Time-CNN) employs her customary irreverence, describing Richardson as a "Jolly Latino elf". sober wrap-ups of the health-care forum are at the N.Y. Times, and Wa Po.
Here's another mention, from the Las Vegas Review-Journal, picked up on Real Clear Politics. Diets are hard to follow. "In an interview, Richardson held a hot dog with one beefy hand and ate while he talked, flecks of bun spewing forth as he spoke." says Richardson "surprises" at the debate. He was listed with Edwards, Kucinich and Gravel as having a serious plan. most substantive post- forum Richarrdson coverage, however, comes from MyDD's Jonathan Singer, who met up with Bil for an extensive interview after the event. A full transcript and audio file are here.