but I'm proud of you for going ahead and letting your raw emotions show and ripping the chickenhawks in Washington for what may be their greatest sin of all -- sacrificing America's finest young people in the service of their profiteering wars.
I'm angry not only at them but at a great many of my fellow citizens who refuse to hold these criminals accountable and at the Congress which is still too slow to take the steps necessary to FIX THE VA and to end the insanity of wars for greed and profit.
What makes me even angrier is thinking about the way the medical care and therapy your great-nephew will get will deteriorate bit by bit as he goes from emergency care and surgery in Germany to longterm patient care stateside! We KNOW THIS HAPPENS, and we knew it before the Walter Reed story.
Anyone who ever cared enough to pay a few visits to any VA Hospital or Medical Center or Nursing Home, KNOWS FULL WELL that our veterans generally get extremely poor medical care -- including pisspoor psychological care!
It's been happening to ALL our vets since at least World War II. WE KNOW THIS! Old men in their 80's now are suffering and languishing in pathetic, uncaring environments in veterans nursing homes. They are ignored and left to lie in their own waste, helpless to prevent whatever happens to them in these houses of horror.
The Vietnam vets are rapidly approaching the same situation, as so many of them have aged prematurely due to the stresses on their physical bodies and their minds ever since "their" war. A great many of them know what awaits them in VA facilities and have shunned and avoided them for as long as they could.
The ones without family who fight the system to get decent care for their loved ones don't want to end up alongside their WWII and Korean vet predecessors in various VA facilities that are substandard to say the least! It's shameful, it's unforgivable, and it's going on right now, at this very moment, and every single day and night in this country!
Now we have two whole new generations of veterans from two Gulf wars coming home to horrendous and pathetic medical care -- and it's just WRONG, so very very WRONG!
I'm sorry, I am just so bitterly angry and got riled up all over again reading your justifiably irate OP, Luckyleftyme2. You already said it all but I know so many other horror stories too -- and I've been so angry about this situation with our veterans and the VA for so long, I just couldn't hold in my own anger anymore.
Right now I'm listening to Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark, in the House talking about the Bu$h budget and pointing out specifically how we are treating our veterans under this Bu$h budget, and he's doing a FINE JOB OF IT. I'm very proud of him.
But in the end I won't be able -- and won't even try -- to get your post off my mind for many days, and indeed from now on, I know that. I have to avoid talking about this whole sick nightmare to keep my own PTSD in check. I'm not a vet but I know their psychological suffering to a large degree from my friendships with a great many of them and a personal diagnosis from my own childhood trauma.
Thank you again for having the courage to say all the things you said. I hope a lot of DUers read what you wrote and think about it long and hard. Then let's by God DO SOMETHING about the pathetic situation in our VA system!!!!