Catty About Cancer since John and Elizabeth Edwards revealed that her cancer is back and has taken up residence in her bones I've lived in fear of what Ann Coulter might have to say about this grim situation. It's bad enough, for someone like me, who's been treated for breast cancer, to hear about anyone else's recurrence, but it's worse when you're worried about a recurrence of Coulter's hoof-in-mouth disease, which led her to suggest, on March 2, that John Edwards is a "faggot." Will she now charge that the Edwards are faking the whole thing - or that Elizabeth is actually a male transvestite, who will be using the alleged cancer as a cover-up for his sex-change operation?
<>Strangely, it's not Coulter, but girl-next-door Katie Couric who's hinted, in a 60 Minutes interview with Elizabeth Edwards, that the couple might be "capitalizing" on the disease. Can't you just see them cackling over the bone scans, eagerly calculating what the results would do for them in the polls? Convening their children for the good news that, although Daddy's been almost eclipsed by Obama, Mommy has a potentially fatal disease?
Couric also told John Edwards that some people might judge him "callous" for campaigning through what might be his wife's last months. Is Couric forgetting that she was working as a $7 million a year NBC anchor while her own husband was dying of colon cancer? And just in case we do get a Gingrich candidacy: Recall that he had his first wife served with divorce papers while she was in the hospital with cancer. In contrast, campaigning with your spouse, for as much time as she will be able to spend on the trail, seems downright romantic.
All right, I have a stake in all this. For my money, John Edwards is the best candidate out there. Clinton has Iraqi and American blood on her hands; Obama has yet to lay out clear economic alternatives; and, although they might once have been Republican moderates, McCain and Giuliani are shamelessly snuggling up to the Christianist Right. I like Edwards because he's taken up the banner of the little guy and gal in America's grossly one-sided class war. He's laid out a plan for universal health insurance; he wants to repeal Bush's tax cuts for the rich; he shows up at workers' picket lines.
<>As for Elizabeth Edwards, all I know is this: When I was being subjected to chemotherapy six years ago, the one thing that kept me going was work. Every morning I would go down to my desk in the basement to confront the computer screen and the stacks of books and papers around it. I ended up not using the chapter - on ancient Roman games - I was writing at the time (for the book just published as Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy), but I desperately needed to be at least 2000 miles and 2000 years away from my affliction. So I say to Elizabeth, if I may call her that: Get out there, girl, and campaign like hell!