Webb’s important news.
It’s not about a gun. From his press conference today:
We do have an amendment on Iran coming up over the next couple of days. It’s something that I have worked on for a good bit of time. I hope in all of the attention that’s been given to the situation with my staff, we don’t lose sight of the importance of that legislation. And secondly, the other piece of legislation that I have been working on with Senator Hagel, which will come to a vote over the next two days. Those are both important pieces of legislation, and please, let’s not forget that.
Webb’s Iran bill would prevent President Bush from launching a war without explicit congressional approval. His Iraq bill with Hagel focuses on “redeployment, training and equipment.” He’s right, those are important bills. Webb is trying to attach his amendment to a large war spending - or “supplemental appropriations” - bill now moving through Congress. Many, including us, have objected to more money for war in Iraq. But this spending looks likely to be approved. The Senate can attach two important conditions: one naming a deadline for withdrawal from Iraq and another designed to prevent war with Iran.