Are you even aware how silly you sound?
For one who recognizes the hypocrisy of the GOP, you do a great job of sounding like a partisan hack. Is that just an act?
I haven't heard you ciriticize Bush or any of his aides for shredding the Bill of Rights in the name of "fighting terrorism." Are not NSA wireapping, the suspension of Habeas Corpus, the kangaroo courts he calls "military commissions" and the use of torture all violations of the Constitution or of human rights treaties to which the United States is a party and thus bound by constitutional law? If you doubt that last point, let me provide you with a quick civics lesson:
(A)ll Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land.-- US Constiution,
Article 6Get used to it, sweetheart, impeachment is back on the table where it belongs.
Given the high crimes and misdemeanors named above, impeaching Bush and Cheney (that's right, both of them) over blowing the cover of a CIA officer (who, unlike the two of them, really was working to protect Americans from WMDs) or for abuse of power in firing US Attorneys for no better reason than to replace them with loyal political hacks and conspiring to do so by skirting around the Senate confirmation process may be a little like convicting Al Capone for nothing more than tax evasion, but it will do. After all, Capone was murderer and drug trafficker, while Bush and Cheney manipulated intelligence to make a case for war against a sovereign state that was built on facts that were misrepesented, distorted and fabricated. That, in and of itself, not only rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, but war crimes.
This regime -- not just Bush, but the whole bloody lot of them --needs to be ousted before more damage is done to the American body politic and to democratic institutions than has already been done.
I've been proud to be an impeachment hawk for years, and all I have to say to people like you is: I told you so. Unfortunately, you 30-percenters (or is it less than that now?) aren't listening. You're doing what you've been doing for six years: closing your eyes, plugging your ears and screaming "Na, na, na, na, na, I don't see anything and I can't hear you."
Posted by JACK RABBIT 03/27/2007 @ 3:12pmGood discription of the majority of past Demoncrat administrations! There is more "projection" there than you can even comprehend!
Maybe you should consult a professional about all the myopic hatemongering as it does have serious health effects!
Posted by RIO BRAVO 03/27/2007 @ 3:21pm
You responded with two logical fallacies. First, you claim that the Democrats do it, too. Even if true, it's a red herring. It is no excuse for allowing Bush, Cheney, Gonzales . . . et al., to behave as they have.
Second, you attacked me. Thank you for your concern about the state of my mental health. Like your other point, it does nothing to refute anything I stated.
Since you haven't even attempted to refuted my charges of high crimes and misdemeanors against Bush and Company, I presume you find no fault with them.
Posted by JACK RABBIT 03/27/2007 @ 3:49pm