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Sean Penn on Iran and Impeachment

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
petgoat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 01:29 AM
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Sean Penn on Iran and Impeachment

Four and a half years ago, I addressed the issue of war in an open letter to our President. Today I would like to again speak to him and his, directly. Mr. President, Mr. Cheney, Ms. Rice et al: Indeed America has a rich history of greatness – indeed, America is still today a devastating military superpower. And because, in the absence of a competent or brave Congress, of a mobilized citizenry, that level of power lies in your hands, it is you who have misused it to become our country's and our constitution's most devastating enemy. You have broken our country and our hearts. The needless blood on your hands, and therefore, on our own, is drowning the freedom, the security, and the dream that America might have been, once healed of and awakened by, the tragedy of September 11, 2001.

But now, we are encouraged to self-censor any words that might be perceived as inflammatory – if our belief is that this war should stop today. We cower as you point fingers telling us to "support our troops." Well, you and the smarmy pundits in your pocket, those who bathe in the moisture of your soiled and bloodstained underwear, can take that noise and shove it. We will be snowed no more. Let's make this crystal clear. We do support our troops in our stand, while you exploit them and their families. The verdict is in. You lied, connived, and exploited your own countrymen and most of all, our troops.

You, Misters Bush and Cheney; you, Ms. Rice, are villainously and criminally obscene people, obscene human beings, incompetent even to fulfill your own self-serving agenda, while tragically neglectful and destructive of ours and our country's. And I got a question for your daughters, Mr. Bush. They're not children anymore. Do they support your policy in Iraq? If they do, how dare they not be in uniform, while the children of the poor; black, white, Asian, Hispanic, and all the other American working men and women are slaughtered, maimed and flown back into this country under cover of darkness.

Now, because I've been on the streets of Baghdad during this occupational war, outside the Green Zone, without security, and you haven't; I've met children there. In that country of 25 million, these children have now suffered minimally, a rainstorm of civilian death around and among them totaling the equivalent of two hundred September 11ths in just four years of war. Two hundred 9/11s. Two hundred 9/11s.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 01:33 AM
Response to Original message
1. This is the speech he gave at Barbara Lee's town hall.
Go, Sean! Sing it!

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Big Pappa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 01:48 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Did you see
a video of that speech. It was kind of creepy. Sean was looking around, not casually at the audience either, more like a paranoid look as if he was afraid someone was after him.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 08:37 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. I did see it and he did look sort of stiff for some reason.
Maybe he was just tired.
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