....exotic herbal suppliments:
<snip> Utter Mental Psychosis Morning Glory, Datura, Cannabis, Peyote, Mushrooms, Opium, Salvia, & Alcohol by synapse!
DOSE : T+ 0:00 1 bowl smoked Opium (tar / resin) T+ 0:30 300 seeds oral Morning Glory (tea) T+ 0:30 20 seeds oral Datura (tea) T+ 0:30 2.5 g oral Mushrooms (tea) T+ 0:30 2 buttons oral Peyote (tea) T+ 0:40 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
BODY WEIGHT : 120 lb
I honestly dont know how i remember any of this experience other than what people told me of what happened.
It started one beautiful morning; I had been planning for this day all summer. i had slowly accumulated one gram of opium, 2.5 grams of mushrooms, and a decent bag of good pot. i knew this day would dwarf all other experiences times a million. i called my friend P to come over and be my sitter. i knew no matter how used to any indivudial drug I was THIS would make me need a sitter. before P came over i took my blender and put about 300 morning glory seeds, 20 datura seeds, 2 dried peyote, my 2.5 grams of mushrooms, and added ice cold vodka for good measure. i blended it on puree for a few mins it turned a dark brown color. BAM!!! the cover blew off!!! very dissapointed i cleaned up the beautifully drugged up mess and chilled what remained. When P finally came over we had decided to start my day off with a few bowls of reefer. feeling pretty stoned i decided to let P finish the bowl and i filled the bowl with an opium-weed mix. feeling rather pleasant, i decided that it was time to start my trip.
knowing that this concoction was going to taste worse than shit, i added almost a whole box of sugar to it. i slowly sipped from the blender for about 30 mins. the second i had my first sip i started to feel what i thought was the alkey. after i finished the mix i knew it would hit me very fast, and before i was totally destroyed i decided to smoke a leaf or 2 of some dried salvia. after my first hit i blacked out. P said that i kept shaking and muttering some really weird song. when i came to (somewhat) i remember seeing infinitely tall vines growing all around me with little bug-like things flying over my head. i had never tripped so hard ever in my life! my brain felt like it was going to fall out of my skull. seconds later i remembered i had a stomach full of misc drugs and vomited violently 2 or 3 times. words in this language of ours cant fully explain how i felt at this point. it was like i was in a whole other realm of thought and perception. i had forgotten P was still with me.
i couldnt see anything through these evergrowing vines. but i was somewhat sure that i was still on my back porch. my thought patterns were ever growing and every thought had a million other tangents attached to them and so on. i blacked out for a while longer and the next thing i remember is being in the center of a circle containing all realms of existance and everything and everyone that encompasses them. but i wasnt a living being in this realm i was a mesh-like thing connected to all that could possibly be imagined by anyone or anything. unfortunately thats all i remember. when i finally started to come down i thought i was in some sort of new reality that olny i was in. then i saw P and he started to calm me down. he said i had been staring into space all night, shaking from time to time. by the time i totally sobered up it was the next morning. for the next few days i wasnt sure about anything or anyone i ever knew. but i slowly realized that i just took a ton of drugs and tripped really hard. i still wonder sometimes if i always was in this existence, but the fact that i am here now tells me to cope with where i am.
I do not reccomend this to anyone who isnt ready for a total life overhaul. <end>