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Geraldine A. Ferraro: Making history together (Endorses Clinton)

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sampsonblk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 09:59 AM
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Geraldine A. Ferraro: Making history together (Endorses Clinton)
Dear (me),

It's been 23 years since I was the first woman on a major party presidential slate, and I remember what it was like breaking that barrier -- including the barrage of attacks at the hands of the Republicans.

Now Hillary is poised to break the biggest glass ceiling of them all. This time, when we elect the best, most qualified candidate for president, for the first time we'll be putting a woman in the White House.

We can do it. We can make history and elect the leader America needs. Let's tell Hillary we've got her back.

Please rush a contribution before the March 31 deadline -- it's just three days away.

It's hard to believe that in the decades since I was the first woman nominee for vice president, with all the progress we've made, no other woman has been able to get so far. But now's the time.

Now is the time to elect someone whose victory will tell all our sons and daughters that they can be president -- that there are no barriers to talent and ability. And Hillary's the one who can do it.

Some of you were with me when I ran, and you remember that it wasn't easy. I know better than anyone how the Republicans will throw everything they have at Hillary -- because they know she has the best chance to beat them in November 2008.

So let's stand with Hillary and give her the support she needs now to win.

A strong showing by this crucial March 31 deadline will make a big difference for Hillary's campaign. And when we elect her president, her leadership will make all the difference in the world for the things we believe in and the values we share.

Please act right now.

Thank you.

Geraldine A. Ferraro

P.S. Don't believe it when you read that Hillary doesn't need your contribution -- trust me, she does. This is going to be a hard race fought on all sides, and every dollar matters. With so many big states moving their primaries up, we need to show now that Hillary can go all the way to the White House. Please pass this message on to your friends and family with a personal note asking them to support Hillary.
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donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 11:01 AM
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1. it was exciting when Ferraro ran - the men were UPSET

thank you Geraldine
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