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The Case Against George W. Bush

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RestoreGore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 11:25 AM
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The Case Against George W. Bush
Edited on Wed Mar-28-07 11:36 AM by RestoreGore

The Case Against George W. Bush

By Elizabeth Holtzman Page 1 of 1

Posted March 2007

With prominent Republican Senators speaking out against a scandal-plagued White House, talk of impeachment has moved from the margins to the mainstream. That may seem politically far-fetched, but in fact, there is a strong case to be made.

Should he be impeached? The legal case is strong, and the political case is getting stronger.
The latest Bush administration scandal—the firing of eight U.S. attorneys under highly questionable circumstances—has Washington abuzz with talk of a new Watergate. The question on everyone’s mind is: Could this be the president’s Saturday night massacre—the obstruction of justice that triggers impeachment?

Unless there is a sea change in Congress, talk of impeachment is largely a hypothetical exercise. That does not mean there’s no legal case against the president. If a California prosecutor were fired to end an investigation of a Republican congressman, that might be a crime. If the others were fired for failing to prosecute Democrats without evidence, that would be a gross abuse of power. If President George W. Bush played any role, impeachment is a legal possibility.

We need not wait for the outcome of investigations of this scandal, however, to conclude that President Bush has so abused the powers of his office that he could be impeached and removed from office. There are already other substantial grounds.

The framers of the U.S. Constitution knew that despite powerful checks, presidents might still abuse their powers and damage the country’s democracy, so they created impeachment as the ultimate safeguard. Constitutional grounds for impeachment are “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” During Nixon’s impeachment, the House Judiciary Committee determined that abuses did not have to violate the criminal code to meet this test. They simply needed to be, as the framers said in constitutional debates, “great and dangerous offenses that subvert the Constitution.” Several of the president’s actions already qualify.

The strongest legal argument for impeachment—because it is based on the Watergate precedent—arises out of the fact that President Bush refused for years to seek court approval required under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for a special wiretapping program in the United States. After revelations that President Nixon illegally wiretapped journalists and White House staffers, Congress enacted FISA to prevent future such abuses, making them a federal crime. Illegal wiretapping was one of the grounds for articles of impeachment against Nixon.

More at the link.
I am truly filled with a sadness and dread as I read about the escalation in the Persian Gulf. Sadness to see all that the people of this country seem willing to give away, and dread at what will come should Iran be the next target of the traitors in our White House. I never thought I would see the day when I would think that the demise of this Democracy was almost complete. I never thought I would see the day when Americans would care more about their distractions than about the tenets of Democracy and the day when our Congress would be complicit in their crimes. How much time do you think we really have? How much more are we supposed to endure? When is the breaking point? When the nukes fall? Those who sacrificed all they had to birth this nation I am sure never thought this day would come as well. WE as a people are constitutionally bound to do what is necessary to preserve what they started.

IMPEACH NOW before it is truly too late.
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The_Casual_Observer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 11:38 AM
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1. I am beginning to believe this is the next thing.
He will start getting dogged by impeachment worries & more investigations.
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RestoreGore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 11:45 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. yes, and I fear his sociopathic tendencies will truly take hold
Edited on Wed Mar-28-07 11:46 AM by RestoreGore
he isn't fit to lead and was never elected to do so in the first place. And as I stated in 2000, the longer we wait to seek justice the harder it will be to come by because he will gain too much power, and he didn't gain it without the enabling of others. I don't understand how it is that lay people like myself could see this so long ago and these supposed experienced learned people in Congress had absolutely no clue...unless they are either just like him or using him for their own political benefit without thinking about the consequences.
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eagleswing963 Donating Member (117 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 11:48 AM
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3. Bush Common Sense or Reality
Questions for all who think about attacking Iran

1) We are currently in 2, count em, 2, wars. Where do you expect to get the money to fund another war?

2) Where do you expect to get the troops, since Bush is scared of doing a draft?

3) Since Iraq was not a pushover, and Iran has what, 3 times the territory and at least 3 times the population (not to mention they have bought MODERN military harware, you know shit that could sink ships and down our planes), how do expect to fight and um, win this thing?

Regardless of the circumstances, we are in NO shape to attack Iran.

Thank you Bush for the quagmire, um civil war, um Mission Accomplished.

I hope Hell has a special room for you!
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