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Bush: "Look Laura, look what I'm doin' with my toes, get it? V-toe...*snicker, smirk*"

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
politicaholic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 03:07 PM
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Bush: "Look Laura, look what I'm doin' with my toes, get it? V-toe...*snicker, smirk*"

Bush's IQ-eye-view of himself once
again 'spreeching' his way around Iraq.

High Priest George W. Bush: "It makes no sense for politicians in Washington, D.C., to be dictating arbitrary timelines for our military commanders in a war zone 6,000 miles away."...because unlike size, distance matters...

Translation: "This red thing in my mouth is moving independently of my, huh?"

Bush is going to veto the timeline. You know it. I know it. Congress knows it. The Senate knows it. My cat doesn't seem to be aware, but once I shave 'veto' on it's butt it should have some idea something is going on.

So why do it. Why venture on what is a futile road? Because of accountability. The Democrats are accountable for change, but this leaves the President accountable for the outcome. He is desperate to run this conflict to the end of his term, and that's what the timeline does, but Bush needs the war to go on into the next presidency so he can blame the outcome on that person. Rewriting history the slimiest way possible. The timeline won't allow it.

Neither the Dems or the Repubs want to get dirty from this, so I have a suggestion. Vote Nader. Let him take the fall...and of course reform the United States into an environmentally conscious and corporately responsible nation.

I'm Politicaholic and I'm all about solutions.

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n2doc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 03:13 PM
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1. Better than a camel toe...n/t
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