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Richardson's New Realism on Nuclear Terrorism and Proliferation

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seasat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 05:52 PM
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Richardson's New Realism on Nuclear Terrorism and Proliferation
Richardson Press Release and Speech Text

In the 20th century, nuclear deterrence worked. In the 21st century, it won't. Nothing will stop suicidal Jihadists from using a nuclear bomb if they get their hands on one," said Governor Richardson. "Defending ourselves from new dangers requires new thinking, new strategies and new tactics. We need to adapt our ideas about national security to an age in which the nuclear threat come not from a missile, but from a suitcase or a cargo hull. Not from a nation, which can be deterred by the threat of retaliation, but from a shadowy terrorist network with no return address."
Governor Richardson presented a comprehensive plan that focuses on four key tactics, that if implemented will make it unlikely that terrorists would be able to obtain a nuclear weapon:
· Halt nuclear weapons proliferation,
· Halt nuclear weapons production and reduce the size of nuclear arsenals,
· Halt or secure civilian programs that require or produce bomb-grade materials, and
· Consolidate and secure all existing fissile materials and all future production associated with nuclear energy and research worldwide.

The Governor has consistently called for a "New Realism" in American foreign policy and believes it can and should drive our efforts to prevent a "nuclear 9/11". The greatest threats we face today, from global warming to terrorism, do not face only us, and this means unilateral action usually will not work.

This is one of the many reasons that I would like to see Bill Richardson as our next president. He is uniquely qualified over all the candidates on both sides of the aisle to address nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism. Richardson has been both Energy Secretary and UN ambassador. He has successfully negotiated numerous issues ranging from trade to prisoner release. Bill Richardson was heavily involved in the Clinton agreement with North Korea over their nuclear weapons research. He helped get the talks back on footing for this second round after Shrub Inc royally screwed things up.

We need a statesperson as president to try and patch up international relations after the bungling of Shrub Inc. I want someone with ideas like these and the ability to make them reality.

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Flabbergasted Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 05:58 PM
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1. The scenario of a Jihadist using a nuclear bomb is almost infinately unlikely.
Dirty bomb is not much easier.
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