CEO Pay Costs Workers, AFL-CIO Tells Congress
by Donna Jablonski, May 25, 2006
Ridiculous executive retirement packages are particularly offensive as companies are shedding and under-funding employee pensions left and right.
Lee Raymond opted for a lump sum of $98 million from Exxon Mobil—while the company’s employee pension plan has a $11.2 billion funding deficit. Pfizer CEO Henry McKinnell can choose an annual pension of $6.5 million or an $83 million lump-sum payment—although Pfizer’s stock price has fallen nearly 50 percent under his leadership. IBM CEO Samuel Palmisano’s pension is worth $4.5 million annually, although IBM recently froze its pension for employees. Much Do They Make?
How much does your CEO make? Our table below shows annual compensation for CEOs of some of CWA's major employers (and, where available, chief executives of public employers) as well as how many times larger that compensation is than an employee who makes $40,000. (To compare your actual pay to your CEO's, visit the Executive Paywatch database.)
Executive Sweets
Elizabeth MacDonald, 11.07.06, 3:50 PM ET
That's because executive compensation scandals continue to dominate headlines, with stories about pervasive backdating of executive stock options and a ruling forcing former New York Stock Exchange boss Dick Grasso to pay back tens of millions of dollars in compensation. Some of the biggest controversies in corporate-governance circles centered on the huge pay packages awarded to former Exxon Mobil (nyse: XOM - news - people ) chief executive Lee Raymond, former Pfizer (nyse: PFE - news - people ) chief executive Henry McKinnell and Home Depot (nyse: HD - news - people ) Chief Executive Robert Nardelli, without regard to their performance, says Glass Lewis, a San Francisco-based financial and corporate governance research firm.