Truthdig has a 5-part public interview with Scott Ritter from last week as part of the promotion tour for his new book "Target: Iran." There's a total of about 50 minutes of material, and everyone really should watch the entire interview. Scott speaks with tremendous passion, knowledge, and integrity about a wide variety of critical topics, some of which I haven't seen discussed on DU before. If you thought his essays were intense, wait until you see him in action. Like they say, once a marine, always a marine... :) I: Hillary Clinton, Saddam Hussein and Iraq
Part II: Can we get out of Iraq?
Part III: Korea, Iran and why there aren’t more Scott Ritters
Part IV: Nuclear weapons and the war on terror
Part V: A question from the audience
Seriously, every American should watch all 5 parts, it's Must See TV. I thought about trying to include some snippets from the transcript, but frankly there's just too much good material to choose from. I simply can't recommend watching it in its entirety strongly enough.
And read his book. :evilgrin: