Edited on Sat Mar-31-07 11:13 AM by Kerry2008
They made the point on MSNBC that John Edwards was the man who raised the most money after the first quarter back in the last election with about $7 million. And they pointed out in 1996, the Republicans eventual nominee Bob Dole wasn't the man who raised the most money during the first quarter at this stage in the race. Surely money is important, but is it everything like some make it out to be? Dean had a machine at one point raising bucket after bucket of money, and he was beat up by the media and the early frontrunner Senator John Kerry came in and won the nomination looking the most credible to defeat George W. Bush in 2004!
I think we all dwell too much on money, especially at this point. It's very important, but it won't make or break the candidates unless they do so poorly they have to get out of the race. I'm expecting some shockers, and hopefully we'll see some of these second tier candidates raising a lot more money than we might think. Obviously Clinton and Obama will lead the pack, and Edwards will do quite well, but it'll be interesting to see who raises the most money and who disappoints.
Otherwise, to me this isn't make or break. Just like the polls aren't make or break. And much like the polls, it's a great early indicator. But I fully expect DU to use the money numbers to justify their candidate as the nominee-to-be already.