http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brent-budowsky/american-dream-team-draf_b_49026.html">The Huffington Post -SNIP- Al Gore would bring the most commander in chief qualities in the history of presidential candidates with a passion and depth that would lift the hopes and hearts of Americans ready to inaugurate the post Bush era.
Barack Obama would bring an enthusiasm, idealism and spirit that would make the ticket soar above partisan politics, would rally young people into public service in ways reminscent of John and Robert Kennedy, and would be the greatest worldwide boost to American leadership for freedom and democracy in many years.
Gore-Obama, however, is about something bigger, larger, grander and more noble than mere conventional politics.
The incumbent has divided us against each other, and has divided our generation from future generations on almost every level in which future generations will pay the price of misdeeds and mistakes today, from debt to war to pollution.
Gore-Obama is about the future, about the kids, about the generations to come and about an America that would once again believe that it is our sacred obligation to leave a better world to the kids and to the generations that follow.-SNIP-