criticize any democrats or what they do/don't do line? Support what? Support who? Support people who were elected specifically to do specific things, at the top of the list being not giving the bush** administration blank checks for Iraq, and to STOP the secret wheeling and dealing that does has been going on, with horrible consequences to the country, since 2000?
What have our elected reps end up done in those areas? Handed over BILLIONS (again) to allow the tragic farce that is the 'war on terra' to continue (no frigging strings attached but a lot of big talk about how "this is not the end blah, blah, blah") and cut a 'secret trade deal' with the bush** administration (anyone ever seen what the hell is all involved in that one?). In other words, the exact opposite of what they were elected to do.
Anyone heard a peep from our reps about VP Cheney's nefarious doings, having the Secret Service destroy the records as to who it is he's dealing with? What the hell is that all about? And why are not the DEMOCRATS sticking up for DEMOCRACY? We need to know, most of all, who the president and vice president are meeting with. It's our right, it's our duty, it's our business. Because if we don't have that right, maybe some scheming anti-Constitutionalist bastards will start holding secret meetings with oil company/energy company executives (like dead Kenny Lay) and whip out some maps of a country that they might be thinking of starting a 'war' with, and that 'war' could be a good way to line their pockets, and the pockets of their families, friends, the companies from which they receive 'deferred' compensation . Of course they would have you believe that lining their pockets is a seconday consideration of course. Just like our own Diane Feinstein and her hubby, Richard Blum (I believe that's his name).
Anyone heard any noise coming from anyone we sent to Washington last November about the signing statements giving Chimpy control of ALL THREE BRANCHES of government if a very loosely defined event takes place? I mean a 'national' emergency caused by anything, anywhere, including the weather? Hell, Katrina would have met the definition. Too bad he hadn't signed those declarations prior to Katrina, he could have just declared martial law and we'd all be marching right now, today, into those new prisons that Halliburton is building just for such an occasion.
How do we get these people to change? By patting them on the head, telling them they're doing a great job, that they have our support no matter what they do? When the only people they're doing a great job for, the only people who are benefitting from any of this is themselves (they gotta earn that corporate campaign money somehow) and the bush** administation? Sheesh, we're supposed to hold our noses, close our eyes, and click our heels together and collectively repeat 'there's nothing we can do'.
And what right does anyone have to demand an explanation as to why anyone is posting here? Or to infer that there is something wrong in being disgusted by their weakness and perfidious behavior? Is blind, brain-dead, acceptance of their betrayal a requirement to belong to this place and to the democratic party? We have no right to show our disgust (the word 'our' including the majority of the people who voted for them last November)? If so, this is good to know. No one really ever made it absolutely clear before that you have to march in lock-step agreement with the DLC wing of the party or get out. This is a good think to know.