First of all, I strongly suspect illegitimate elections--in both primaries and general election. We KNOW the elections are non-transparent--outrageously non-transparent, mind-bogglingly non-transparent--and that the pro-war crowd, led by Christopher Dodd, supported outrageously, mind-bogglingly non-transparent vote counting, and pressured everyone else to shut up about it. The "Help America Vote for Bush Act" was passed in the same month as the IWR--October 2002--with even more Democratic Congressional votes than the IWR. And the two items are closely related. You can't perpetrate an unjust, illegal, heinous war, in a democracy--especially one with the Vietnam War in living memory--without fixing the elections.
We also now know about Rove's "voter caging lists"--purges of black voters, U.S. soldiers serving overseas, students and other likely anti-war voters from the voting rolls, and his hiring/firing of U.S. Attorneys to influence elections; we of course know about Ohio '04--blatant, illegal suppression of black and other minority and poor voters, miscounting of the provisional ballots, voting machines counting backwards, voting machines changing Kerry votes to Bush votes, numerous anomalies and "breakdowns," shredding of Democratic voter registration cards, with the Democrats nevertheless--or, I should say, the grass roots Democrats--blowing the Republicans away in new voter registration, nationwide, nearly 60/40, in 2004 (where did all those voters go?); we know of the numerous warnings of the computer experts, the GAO and others, that these machines are extremely unreliable and insider hackable; we now know about FL-13 in '06, with an ES&S (brethren to Diebold) machine 'disappearing' 18,000 votes for Congress in an election decided by some 400 votes (an injustice that Congress has still not remedied).
Am I "conspiratorial" to suspect that some or many of these "Blue Dogs" were (s)elected by Diebold/ES&S (rightwing Bushite corporations), and other election theft methods, for just this purpose: giving a Democratic color to a war-funding Congress?
I don't think lame-brained "talking points" like "support our troops" have much to do with it. That is just the blather covering the war profiteer lard--one hundred BILLION more of our future money--to the 7th generation--for an ESCALATION of this goddamned war!
I think there are many things that produced this result. Our election system has been corroded over several decades, with filthy campaign money--money that goes straight into the pockets of the 5 rightwing billionaires CEOS who control our "Alice in Wonderlandish" national political narrative, via their war profiteering corporate news monopolies--for campaign ads. Our Fourth Estate has been corroded over several decades by the unchecked growth of rightwing news monopolies, loss of public control of the airwaves, and loss of the "Fairness Doctrine." So, yes, of course, some politicians are afraid--afraid of being "swift-boated," afraid of being smeared, afraid to stand up for their principles, and for the rest of us. Some are no doubt further intimidated by pervasive, illegal, domestic spying--blackmail, black ops set ups--and other kinds of threats. But--and this is the problem--many WELCOME being the tools of the "military-industrial complex" beast. Many are recruited for that purpose. Many offer themselves for that purpose--they want the power and the filthy lucre.
And now, with 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY vote "counting," they can pretty much be guaranteed election. Add 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY vote counting to all the other corruption, and you have a system that cannot change course, that cannot correct itself. If our democracy were a heart, you could say that it is about to stop beating, due to hopelessly clogged arteries. A democracy in its last days. A democracy that can barely catch its breath any more, the pace of deterioration is so fast.
That's the political establishment. Near death. Beneath it, though, we have a population that has proven itself to be rather amazingly resistant to the 24/7 fascist, warmongering tripe that is shoved at them on all channels, all the time. Over 70% opposed to the war and wanting it ended. 56% opposed to the war from the beginning (Feb. '03). They go to the polls. They vote. They sign petitions. They register people to vote. They drag their friends and relatives to the polls. They pay attention. They are informed. They give the Democrats two whopping victories--2004 (if the truth were known) and 2006--desperate to push the political establishment to change course. And nothing changes.
The American people DO NOT BELIEVE the blather about "support our troops." So, why do ANY politicians use that excuse? It's because they are NOT beholden to the voters, and they don't care a damn what they think. They are beholden to Diebold/ES&S and to the war profiteering corporations that slipped that one in under the radar: extremely insider hackable, 'TRADE SECRET' vote counting.
They are not speaking to US when they say "support our troops." They are speaking to their paymasters and the guarantors of their (s)election.
I DO believe we must fight on the issues--and fight the brainless "taking points"--however hopeless a battle it is, against corporate news monopolies who ALSO don't care what we think. But I also believe that Priority No. 1 for saving this democracy must be a strategic focus on our actual power: our vote. Until we have restored vote counting that everyone can see and understand--and get it out of the hands of private Bushite corporations--and start electing real representatives, we are powerless to change anything. We can complain all we want. What we need is THE POWER to do something about it. We need to RE-ENFRANCHISE the American people. Best venue for this: state/local. How? Start by demanding a handcount of the Absentee Ballots, and posting of the results before any electronics are involved. The AB voters are a big constituency for paper ballot voting. That will give us a significant check on machine totals in the 30 states with AB voting. In venues where AB voting isn't allowed, or is too restricted, demand handcounting (or, first of all demand a ballot, if there is none) of some significant portion of the paper ballots. (55%, which they do in Venezuela, is a good number.)
With transparent vote counting, anyone who throws shit at us like "support our troops" will be thrown out of office, if not thrown in jail for the lying, deceitful, corrupt bastards that they are.